Improve Your Beekeeping Skills
Brighton and Lewes Division beekeepers are keen to help our members to improve their knowledge and skills in a number of ways.
Gain knowledge and confidence by taking the BBKA exams. A flow chart of the training process can be found here.
For more details of these or other training and education events see the relevant page and/or contact Jude New, on Buzz (WhatsApp) or Brighton and Lewes Division Facebook page.
There is usually a small charge to cover administration, catering and stationary costs for all courses.
Study group for Honey Bee Health Certificate
To encourage beekeepers who have been awarded the BBKA Basic Certificate and have at least three years of beekeeping experience to improve their understanding and practice of beekeeping. Further details here.
Queen rearing @ Grassroots
Colonies will be selected for queen rearing or splits made.
Available to new members and experienced beekeepers (JN and others to deliver), May (dates tbc). Register interest with Jude New.
Saturday July 12th Basic Assessments at the Grassroots Apiary
Registration (via Jude) by 30th June 2025; £35.00 + fee payable to BBKA to be completed 12th July 2025.
Prepare at your own pace or register interest in joining a study group with 4 x Saturday meetings in June July 2025 at [email protected]
JN with assessor Gordon Allen
Further details, links, syllabus and reading list.
Wax workshops
November 2025 dates tbc. x 2
JN and others.
Open hive meetings
Each month April, May, June, July, August.
Practical work: Inspecting hives, shook swarm, Bailey Comb Change, disease identification, Demaree swarm control (other methods are available) varroa counts, varroa treatments feeding bees, when necessary and which feed is appropriate.
Festive meal December 1st or 8th for all membership venue tbc
Other training may be arranged during the year.