Our Meetings and Events Calendar

Our meeting and event schedule for 2024 is given below. Whilst all the association meetings and events are confirmed for the Summer, our Winter programme is still being finalised, though the planned dates are given below.

Apiary Meetings
At the meetings groups of members examine the various hives under the guidance of experienced members. Everyone gets the chance to see what is going on in the colony, what is needed and to handle the bees, especially beginners. We do have a range of bee suits, veils etc that can be borrowed during the meetings, but if you have your own then please bring them.

Visitors must make sure that their suits and boots are clean and also bring clean washing-up or disposable gloves if they wish to handle bees. These measures are to prevent, or at least minimise, the spread of disease. Please bring your own Bee Sting medication (e.g. Antihistamine) if you need to treat your own bee stings when visiting the out-Apiaries. We cannot administer any treatment to visitors.
For security reasons the locations of non-divisional apiaries are not published. Directions to Divisional apiaries are given on the secure page. Contact Gerald for access to this.

The Brighton & Lewes Division of the SBKA cannot accept any responsibility for loss, injury or damage sustained by persons in consequence of their participation in activities arranged.


Busy entrance                  Examining                      colonies

Access to the location of the out apiaries is available via user name and password to members only. Contact the Webmaster

For the Apiary meetings, these usually start at 13:30, but please check the below as some are morning meetings. Bring a mug for tea / coffee and a cake to share.
Weather affects the visits. Check email / mobile phone beforehand in case of cancellation.
Wear a clean bee suit, clean wellies, and clean gloves. No aftershave or perfume – can affect the bees.
If you want to take part in a meeting at Rottingdean Apiary, please let Jeff Rodrigues know in advance by SMS or a call on 07711554811. If you will be arriving by car please make sure you tell Jeff because he needs to ensure the farmyard is clear for your car.



Summary of Winter Meetings

Other Events

Sussex Beekeepers Association AGM 1st March 2025 1pm – 5pm
Sussex Bee Market 17th May 2025 10am – 4pm, Uckfield College, Uckfield
West Sussex Beekeepers Association Annual Convention 22nd February 2025 9.30am – 4.30pm, Lodge Hill Centre, Pulborough
West Sussex Beekeepers Association Bee Market, Saturday 26th April 2025 at Chichester College's Brinsbury Campus, Pulborough