Basic Assessment 2025

Any member of Brighton and Lewes who has kept bees for at least two seasons is eligible.
The course aims to provide new beekeepers with a goal which will give them a measure of their achievement in the basic skills and knowledge of the craft.
It is hoped that it will be a springboard from which to launch into the more demanding assessments, provides a nationally recognised certificate and badge and assessed by a Master Beekeeper.
The candidate must be a member of the BBKA.
The Candidate must achieve the pass mark in all four parts of the assessment to pass the Assessment as a whole.
The pass mark is 50% in each part. A credit will be awarded if the total mark is 75% or greater, a distinction if the mark is 90% or greater.
The course will start in May or June 2025 date and venue to be confirmed.

Basic assessment at Grassroots 2024 inspecting for queen rightness

Downloads: Basic Syllabus, Reading List

For more details of these or other training and education events please contact Jude New, on Buzz (WhatsApp) or Brighton and Lewes Division Facebook page.
There is usually a small charge to cover administration, catering and stationary costs for all courses.

Saturday July 12th Basic Assessments at the Grassroots Apiary
Syllabus and reading list see above.
Basic Assessment | British Beekeepers Association
Registration (via Jude) by 30/06/25 £35.00 + fee payable to BBKA to be completed 12/07/25
Prepare at your own pace or register interest in joining a study group with 4 x Saturday meetings in June July 2025 at [email protected] 
JN with assessor is Gordon Allen