A membership form can be downloaded here as a Word document or pdf. Membership fee increases are as a result of the BBKA increasing the capitation fees effective October 22021, which B&L must unfortunately pass on to the membership. There are several classes and subscription of membership. These are:
Full Member A member keeping bees or intending to keep bees this year, requiring full insurance cover. Benefits: May attend all meetings; general help and advice given by experienced beekeepers; Brighton and Lewes monthly Newsletter; British Beekeepers Association Public and Products Liability Insurance; By email, By post, BBKA News Letter; Bee diseases Insurance for first three colonies, see below for premium for further colonies; Entitled to vote at general meetings. £30.50, posted £44.50
Associate Member/Friend Open only to Full Members of another Division
Friend of the Club: Members not intending to keep bees. Benefits, Brighton and Lewes monthly Newsletter and may attend all meetings.
Associate, please record Name of other Division below. £12.00, posted £26,00
Partner Member A member being a partner of a Full Member at the same address requiring full insurance cover. No Newsletter. Benefits: may attend all meetings; general help and advice given by experienced beekeepers; British Beekeepers Association Public and Products Liability Insurance; Bee Diseases Insurance, including BDI for an extra three
colonies; entitled to vote at general meetings. £21.50
Family Member A member being a family member of a Full Member living with that Member that does not require any insurance. Benefits: may attend all meetings; please record Name with Full Member below. £1.00
Bee Craft An international renowned monthly magazine. If you want this then visit the Bee Craft website.
Bee Disease Insurance (Full & Partner Members: In accordance with our Constitution, all colonies must be insured with Bee Disease Insurance Limited. A colony is, any hive of bees regardless of size. Any potential increase in colony numbers between 1st January 2017 and 31st December 2017 must be taken into consideration. If found under insured THEN THAT CLAIM WILL BE INVALID. First 3 colonies. included in membership subscription. Details of the BDI insurance bands are given at the end of this form.
40 day rule.