Next Meeting

Wednesday 15th January 'How to keep your bees in the best of health' Margaret Murdin

In the Spring and Summer

Opening up a colony

Summer meetings include Divisional out-apiaries as well as members apiaries and those of other divisions. 'Meetings start at 1.30 pm for beginners, 2.30 pm for the more experienced. Bring a mug for tea and something to share to eat.

Note: If the weather forecast for the outdoor event is bad such as steady rain then it will be cancelled. If weather is marginal any changes will be emailed beforehand so please check your emails before leaving. If still in doubt ring the number given.

Summer Meetings

IMPORTANT For all summer meetings due to Covid-19 restrictions, we need to ensure that we limit the numbers attending to no more than 30, or fewer people if the venue has space limitations. Therefore, for this summer only (hopefully), you need to book your slot through Graham Bubloz (07758 866278.) Please let him know your mobile phone number in the email.

The Divisional Library will be open as usual for members to borrow bee keeping-related books old and new; see here for details of available books.