A new study group new for 2025 this will probably start in April or May. There will be practical work in the apiary, some theory and individual study to prepare for the assessment in 2026 unless the group wish to be assessed in 2025.
A practical assessment suitable for members who wish to advance beyond their Basic Assessment
Aims: To encourage beekeepers who have been awarded the BBKA Basic Certificate and have at least three years of beekeeping experience to improve their understanding and practice of beekeeping.
The Candidate will be able to demonstrate a range of beekeeping skills.
The Assessment will normally be conducted in May, June or July.
- At an Association or other suitable Apiary (not at the Candidate’s apiary)
- And will last about one and a half hours.
Candidates will be expected to be - Aware of current regulations and other statutory requirements as they affect pests and diseases concerned with beekeeping.
- And how the beekeeper should implement them.
Mandatory tasks:
Brood disease inspection. If the queen is found, she should be reserved in a safe place.
The collection of a suitable sample of 30 bees for an adult bee disease inspection
One task from the following list:
Shook swarm as part of varroa control.
Bailey comb change for a weak colony.

The New Queen - she will be marked
Deadline for applications is last day in April.
Details of the syllabus and reading list .
Downloads: Syllabus Guidelines for Candidates Reading List
For more details of these or other training and education events please contact Jude New, on Buzz (WhatsApp) or Brighton and Lewes Division Facebook page.
There is usually a small charge to cover administration, catering and stationary costs for all courses.
Study group for Honey Bee Health Certificate
To encourage beekeepers who have been awarded the BBKA Basic Certificate and have at least three years of beekeeping experience to improve their understanding and practice of beekeeping.
The candidate will be able to demonstrate a range of beekeeping skills. Syllabus and reading list at Honey Bee Health | British Beekeepers Association - see above link.
I am happy for the study group to meet to work on the syllabus and registration for assessment with BBKA is not compulsory - the discussion and research will benefit your practice and could extend the lives of colonies you care for. (JN and others to deliver)
Small fee will be charged to cover use of a venue and admin if a study group which may include zoom meetings (5 -10 applicants would be viable - via Jude + £45.00 fee payable to BBKA by May 31st) register interest at [email protected]