AGM 2022: report The room was fairly full as the AGM started just after 19.30 on Friday 17 February 2022. Outgoing Chairman Norman Dickinson opened the meeting and, with no matters arising from the previous year’s minutes, B&L committee members reported on the
year’s activities.
Treasurer’s report: Norman reported that in 2021 the Division had an income of £7,038.86 and expenditure of £7,758.67, a deficit of £718.81. The deficit was partially accounted for by
four items: Refunds for cancelled Bee Disease Day: £190.00
Setup of new Isfield apiary: £362.64.
New books for the Library: £118.00
New iZettle card reader: £34.00
Also, last year’s lack of honey and of places open at which to sell it, due of course to the pandemic, accounted for lower income than usual. Cash in the bank is £4,461.25.
This was followed by the Chair’s report. Norman noted changes we had to make in the previous year. The pandemic forced us into virtual meetings, and the poor weather meant a big drop in honey production. He highlighted the big advances B&L has made with regard to education and bee improvement, and called out the positive response to the improved newsletter (thank you!—Ed.) and the growth in membership, up by 42 to 166, much of which is attributable to
Facebook and the efforts of Graham Bubloz as FB admin. And finally, he paid tribute to B&L Secretary Hilary Osman, who for eight years has been instrumental in keeping the Division going, a sentiment which received a big round of applause. Donning his Membership Secretary’s hat, Norman reported that membership numbers are fluid because we are still in the middle of the renewal period. We heard reports from the Facebook group administrator, the Asian Hornet Team and swarm co-ordinators, from the apiary managers and from the training co-ordinator. They included a lot of interesting detail, most of which can be found on the website.
Election results
The following were declared elected:
Chairman: Graham Bubloz
Treasurer: Norman Dickinson
Membership Secretary: Norman Dickinson
Newsletter Editor: Manek Dubash
Education Coordinator: Judith New
Committee Members: Felicity Alder, Bob Curtis, Gerald Legg, Ian White
We need someone to fulfil the role of Secretary. It’s not onerous but needs attention to detail. If you fancy it, please contact Graham Bubloz.
[Photos: Bob Curtis & Manek Dubash]

Label, and Wax Candle & Wax Block
Right column: Show judge Gerald Legg
assesses honey clarity; Nigel Kermode (left)
accepts his award; B&L Honey Show
entrants; B&L Honey labels; National Honey
Show exhibit (Hilary Osman).
All photos by Bob Curtis except where
Honey Show report
The B&L Honey Show was held alongside the AGM. Sadly, due to the stormy weather, SBKA Treasurer Harold Cloutt—who was to judge the entries—was unable to attend, but thankfully committee stalwarts Gerald Legg and Jude New stepped into the breach. Congratulations to all who entered. And it was great to be back in person…

Honey Show report: photography competition
The Honey Show Photography class attracted a fair number of photos. Winner of the best close-up was Bee collecting propolis (top left), and best bee-related photo was Apis dorsata colony, both by Bob Curtis. Congratulations Bob!
Honey Show Photography entrants
A honey bee collecting propolis; Bombus lapidarius;
Rustic (Roman) apiary in Malta; Apis dorsata colony. All by Bob Curtis.
Bumble bees (top two) by Shirley Light;
Bumble bee on white flower by Hilary Osman
Leaf cutter bee by Thelda Bryant
Eggs & Grassroots apiary (both by Graham Bubloz)